Thursday, October 25, 2012

International Games Day at the OC Library Saturday 11/3

On Saturday November 3rd the Oregon City Public Library will join more than a thousand other libraries in celebrating International Games Day. Board gamers of all ages are invited to come to the library between 6:30 and 8 PM to play Pictionary, Scrabble, Boggle, Operation, Candy Land and many other games that will be provided. Do you think you have what it takes to destroy your fellow citizens in chess or checkers? Are you a past master of Connect Four looking to relive past glory? Did you stop playing Candy Land because of the Gumdrop Scandal of '06 but have always wanted to get back into the game? This is your chance! Come one, come all!

Wii Super Smash Brothers Thursday 11/1

It is time once again for the teens of Oregon City to congregate in the library basement and inflict simulated bodily harm upon each others' virtual counterparts. I speak, of course, of the awesomeness that is Super Smash Brothers Brawl! We'll be playing from 6:30 to 8 PM on Thursday November 1st. Everyone aged 12 to 18 is invited! Pizza will be served.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Teen Read Week is almost upon us

This year's Teen Read Week will be celebrated during the week of October 14th through the 20th. The theme is "It Came from the Library!" in celebration of all things spooky, scary and supernatural. Eeeeekkkk!!

Teen Read Week is a way to spotlight young adult literature and encourage teens to read for the fun of it. Why do you read for pleasure? Is it for escape? To seek answers to your most burning questions? To walk in someone else's shoes for awhile? To experience the unknown? Or, like me, for all of the above?

In celebration of this most momentous occasion, we will be hosting a book swap for teens (in grades 6 through 12) at the Oregon City Public Library. The book swap will take place on Sunday, October 14th from 5:30 to 6:30pm  in the upstairs main room of the library. We encourage you to bring in your gently used books, cds, dvds, and videogames to trade with others. For each item you bring in you will receive a coupon you can exchange for someone else's item you want to take home.What better way to participate in Teen Read Week than to set your well-loved books free to be discovered and loved by someone new? Recycling literature is good for the physical AND mental environment!

We hope to see you all there. Have a great Teen Read Week, everybody!

P.S:  the Teen Reads website is looking for young-adult-literature lovers to take a survey in order to get readers' feedback about what kinds of features you want to see on their site. If you take the survey you will be entered into a contest to win a free book (450 people will win: those are pretty good odds, I'd say). Read more about it and take the survey here.