Click on the link, log in with your library card number and PIN (usually the last four digits of your phone number), and, voila! You have successfully accessed a magical portal to all the school help you'll ever need.
Why should I waste my valuable time on LearningExpress?
The LearningExpress database is an online learning platform that can help you with college test prep (PSAT, SAT, ACT, etc.) and so much more. Have you ever tried to purchase an SAT prep book? Those things cost a fortune! Plus, the library holds list on them is usually pretty huge. And you need help like last week! Have no fear...LearningExpress is here.
Yeah? And what else?
There are reading courses, math courses, science courses, logic courses, vocabulary courses, writing courses, grammar courses (the list is huge!) for middle and high school level students. Once you've created an online profile, LearningExpress will track your progress in each course. It's like a free magical genie tutor that's available anytime, anywhere. Brilliant!
I'm almost sold, but not quite...
In addition to all these awesome interactive courses, LearningExpress contains hundreds of eBooks on various topics to help you with your school work. You can peruse these books online at your leisure.
LearningExpress also has a ton of other seriously useful courses: like software tutorials (Windows, Microsoft, and Adobe programs), job searching skills, GED prep, courses for Spanish speakers, career focused help, and U.S. citizenship preparation to name just a few.
Awesome! Sign me up!
Wanna be the smartest kid in your Trig/Algebra/Biology/English/Chemistry/<Insert-Your-Class-Here> class? You don't have to be at the library to access this resource. You can do it from the comfort of your own cozy room (as long as you have internet access and a library card).
Questions? We're happy to help you get started. Just pop on into the library, email us at oregoncitylibrary@gmail.com, or give us a ring at 503-657-8269.